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I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

Перед вами настоящее полевое руководство по изучению современного города. Почти каждый элемент городской среды предстает. Russian Pages [] Year Вместо того чтобы ломать стекло с риском получить травму или нанести ущерб зданию, пожарные могут просто войти внутрь.

Катера и Яхты 232 (2011)

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Looking forward to celebrating Halloween on Saturday, October 31, , I smiled as I picked out my outfit of black leggings and an orange pumpkin sweatshirt to wear to work the next day at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newspaper as a Library Assistant. Only three days after my birthday, Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Just a few hours later, around am, an ambulance transported me to a local hospital in the middle of the night after I fell and broke my right leg while sleepwalking. On November 1, I had a total hip replacement. What a way to spend my Halloween weekend! All I could think of was that annoying phrase racing through my head as I was lying on the floor, in the middle of the kitchen.

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